Sušičky vzduchu - typ membránové sušičky
Dodáváme špičkové membránové sušičky, které vynikají vysoce efektivním odstraněním zbytkových vodních par ze stlačeného vzduchu. Tyto sušičky do provozů s nízkým rosným bodem při malém průtoku pracují na principu odloučení vody pomocí membrány z dutých vláken. Jde o vysoce efektivní způsob sušení tlačeného vzduchu s minimálními ztrátami, který je vyhledáván hlavně tam, kde jsou požadavky na nízký rosný bod až ‐40 °C s malými průtoky. Membránové sušičky mají taktéž velkou výhodu, že je lze připojit i do těch nejvíce stísněných prostor.
- RDP condensation dryers; pressure dew point +3 °C
- RDL condensing dryers; pressure dew point +5°C
- AHD air dryers; pressure dew point +4°C
- Cool air dryers; pressure dew point +5°C
- MDX air dryers; pressure dew point +3°C
- ADRY air dryers; smaller adsorption -40°C
- BDRY air dryers; large adsorption -40°C
- MADRY air dryers; membrane -40°C
- Activated carbon columns; activated carbon separation
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-12M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-123M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-3M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-180M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-24M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-44M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-18M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-6M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-90M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-9M compressed air compressor membrane dryer working on the principle of water separation using a hollow fibre membrane.
MADRY-123 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 123 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to...
MADRY-18 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 18 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-180 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 180 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to...
MADRY-9 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 9 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-90 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 90 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-3 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 3 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-63M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
MADRY-24 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 24 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-44 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 48 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-6 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 6 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-63 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 63 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
Replacement diaphragm for MADRY-32M compressed air dryer from compressor working on the principle of water separation by means of hollow fibre diaphragm.
MADRY-12 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 12 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...
MADRY-32 membrane dryer with compressed air flow up to 32 m³/hr up to 12 bar. Including 2 filters through the dryer and filter cartridge clogging indication. Designed to supply...