Tlakové nádoby vzdušníky objem 500 l

Pokud vybíráte samostatnou tlakovou nádobu o větší kapacitě, nemohou vám uniknout vzdušníky Baglioni s objemem 500 l. Na výběr máte hned z několika provedení ležatých i stojacích tlakových nádob s robustní ocelovou konstrukcí a různými povrchovými úpravami. Baglioni disponuje certefikacemi PED a SPVD. Oč jde? A nejste si jistí, jak vybrat? Dejte nám vědět nebo si přečtěte hodnotný informační článek z naší poradny - Jak vybrat tlakovou nádobu - vzdušník.

7 items total
vvp spvd tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana stojata
FREEFREE from 27 850 Kč –2 %
from 22 556 Kč excl. VAT
from 27 293 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 500 l capacity with working pressure up to 11 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP2-500-11
KVP KVG sada armatur nadoby tlak vzdusnik (1)
4 565 Kč –2 %
3 697 Kč excl. VAT
4 473 Kč / pcs

Set of fittings for complete installation of pressure vessel and air tank with volume 500 L. The set includes the following products including all settings and documentation :...

Code: KVP500-11
vvp2 500 obrazek vystrojena tlakova nadoba vzdusnik
FREEFREE from 42 424 Kč –2 %
from 34 360 Kč excl. VAT
from 41 576 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in lacquered standing design, size 500 l. All fittings or insurance and drain valves are part of the airlock. The air reservoir is designed as an air...

Code: VVP2-500-11A
vhp ped tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana lezata
FREEFREE from 32 445 Kč –2 %
from 26 278 Kč excl. VAT
from 31 796 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in a recumbent design with 500 l capacity with working pressure up to 11 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VHP500-11
KVP KVG sada armatur nadoby tlak vzdusnik (1)
5 609 Kč –2 %
4 543 Kč excl. VAT
5 497 Kč / pcs

Set of fittings for complete fitting of pressure vessel and air tank with volume 270 L in galvanized finish. The set includes the following products including all settings and...

Code: KVG500-11
vvp spvd tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana stojata
FREEFREE from 38 310 Kč –2 %
from 31 027 Kč excl. VAT
from 37 543 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 500 l capacity with working pressure up to 16 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP2-500-16
vhp ped tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana lezata
FREEFREE 42 755 Kč –2 %
34 628 Kč excl. VAT
41 900 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in a horizontal design with 500 l capacity with working pressure up to 16 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VHP500-16