Tlakové nádoby vzdušníky objem 3000 l

Největší vzdušníky v naší nabídce jsou od výrobce Baglioni a to jak v ležatém, tak stojatém provedení, které u 3000 l nádoby výrazně šetří místo. Jde o samostatné, nevystrojené nádoby, u nichž vám rádi poradíme s výběrem všech potřebných armatur. I u samotného vzdušníku je potřeba promyslet mnoho aspektů, parametrů, takže uvítáme, když se s námi spojíte, aby výběr výrazně ovlivnil váš provoz a zvýšil efektivitu celé výroby. Taktéž můžete využít náš informační článek v poradně - Jak vybrat tlakovou nádobu - vzdušník.

8 items total
Standing pressure vessel 3000 l - 12 bar
FREEFREE from 159 985 Kč –2 %
from 129 575 Kč excl. VAT
from 156 786 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 3,000 l capacity with working pressure up to 12 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP3000-12
KVP KVG sada armatur nadoby tlak vzdusnik (1)
8 521 Kč –2 %
6 902 Kč excl. VAT
8 351 Kč / pcs

Set of fittings for complete installation of pressure vessel and air tank with a volume of 3,000 L. The set includes the following products including all settings and...

Code: KVP3000-12
Standing pressure vessel 3000 l - 16 bar
FREEFREE from 188 237 Kč up to –100 %
from 1 Kč excl. VAT
from 1 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 3,000 l capacity with working pressure up to 16 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVG3000-16
vvp2 3000 2 obrazek vystrojena tlakova nadoba vzdusnik
FREEFREE from 172 867 Kč –2 %
from 140 008 Kč excl. VAT
from 169 410 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in lacquered standing design with a size of 3,000 l for a working pressure of 12 bar. All fittings or insurance and drain valves are part of the...

Code: VVP2-3000-12A
vhp ped tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana lezata
FREEFREE from 173 386 Kč –2 %
from 140 428 Kč excl. VAT
from 169 918 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in a recumbent design with 3000 l capacity with working pressure up to 12 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VHP3000-12
Standing pressure vessel for low temperatures and liquids 3000 l - 16 bar
FREEFREE from 137 962 Kč up to –100 %
from 1 Kč excl. VAT
from 1 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 3,000 l capacity with working pressure up to 16 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVG3000-16-G1
vhp ped tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana lezata
FREEFREE 179 818 Kč –2 %
145 638 Kč excl. VAT
176 222 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in a recumbent design with 3000 l capacity with working pressure up to 62 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VHP3000-16
KVP KVG sada armatur nadoby tlak vzdusnik (1)
8 521 Kč –2 %
6 902 Kč excl. VAT
8 351 Kč / pcs

Set of fittings for complete fitting of pressure vessel and air tank with a volume of 3,000 L in galvanized finish. The set includes the following products including all...

Code: KVG3000-12