Tlakové nádoby vzdušníky objem 1500 l

Velké vzdušníky s objemem 1500 l zastanou s výkonným vzduchovým kompresorem ty nejnáročnější požadavky na odběr stlačeného vzduchu. Výrobce Baglioni jde s nabídkou hodně daleko, když poskytuje nejen různé provedení nádoby, ale taktéž různé povrchové úpravy, které se hodí do různě náročných prostředí. A pokud si v tomto výběru nejste jistí s výběrem, dejte nám určitě vědět nebo využijte článku z naší poradny - Jak vybrat tlakovou nádobu - vzdušník.

8 items total
Standing pressure vessel 1500 l - 12 bar
FREEFREE from 82 801 Kč –2 %
from 67 062 Kč excl. VAT
from 81 145 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 1 500 l capacity with working pressure up to 12 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP1500-12
vvp2 1000 2 obrazek vystrojena tlakova nadoba vzdusnik
FREEFREE from 97 861 Kč –2 %
from 79 260 Kč excl. VAT
from 95 904 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in lacquered upright design with a size of 1,500 l for a working pressure of 12 bar. All fittings or insurance and drain valves are part of the...

Code: VVP2-1500-12A
vhp ped tlakova nadoba vzdusnik lakovana lezata
FREEFREE 93 031 Kč –2 %
75 347 Kč excl. VAT
91 170 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in a recumbent design with 1,500 l capacity with a working pressure of up to 12 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the...

Code: VHP1500-12
KVP KVG sada armatur nadoby tlak vzdusnik (1)
7 582 Kč –1 %
6 141 Kč excl. VAT
7 431 Kč / pcs

Set of fittings for complete fitting of pressure vessel and air tank with volume of 1 500 L in galvanized finish. The set includes the following products including all settings...

Code: KVG1500-12
KVP KVG sada armatur nadoby tlak vzdusnik (1)
7 582 Kč –1 %
6 141 Kč excl. VAT
7 431 Kč / pcs

Set of fittings for complete installation of pressure vessel and air tank with volume of 1 500 L. The set includes the following products including all settings and...

Code: KVP1500-12
Standing pressure vessel 1500 l - 16 bar
FREEFREE from 105 706 Kč –2 %
from 85 613 Kč excl. VAT
from 103 592 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 1,500 l capacity with working pressure up to 16 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP1500-16
Standing pressure vessel for low temperatures and liquids 1500 l - 12 bar
FREEFREE from 95 821 Kč –2 %
from 77 607 Kč excl. VAT
from 93 905 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 1 500 l capacity with working pressure up to 12 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP1500-12-G1
Standing pressure vessel for low temperatures and liquids 1500 l - 16 bar
FREEFREE from 115 591 Kč –2 %
from 93 619 Kč excl. VAT
from 113 279 Kč / pcs

Pressure vessel "air tank" in upright design with 1,500 l capacity with working pressure up to 16 bar. No fittings or safety and drain valves are included in the airlock. All...

Code: VVP1500-16-G1