Sealing threaded cords

Těsnící šnůra pro závity
  • sealing agent for plastic and metal threads
  • specially designed for pneumatics, hydraulics and sanitary engineering
  • absolutely inactive, safe and non-flammable seal
  • temperature range -20 °C to +130 °C
  • applicable to air, drinking water, gases, propane, butane, ammonia, steam and other substances

Sealing cords for threads

LC55-50 Loctite 55 50 m fine and coarse threads up to 4"
LC55-150 Loctite 55 150 m fine and coarse threads up to 4"
TAN-180 Tangit 160 + 20 m fine and coarse threads up to 4"


Sealing cord LC55-50
Sealing cord LC55-50
Stock (20 pcs)
Code: LC55-50
359 Kč
(297 Kč excl. VAT)
Sealing cord TAN-180
Sealing cord TAN-180
Stock (1 pcs)
Code: TAN-180
855 Kč
(707 Kč excl. VAT)
Sealing cord LC55-150
Sealing cord LC55-150
Stock (25 pcs)
Code: LC55-150
734 Kč
(607 Kč excl. VAT)
3 items total
Sealing cord LC55-50
Sealing cord LC55-50
Stock (20 pcs)
297 Kč excl. VAT
359 Kč / pcs

The manufacturer of the cord is Loctite 55. Package contents are 50 m. Used on fine and coarse threads up to 4".

Code: LC55-50
Sealing cord TAN-180
Sealing cord TAN-180
Stock (1 pcs)
707 Kč excl. VAT
855 Kč / pcs

The manufacturer of the cord is Tangit. Package contents are 160 + 20 m. Used on fine and coarse threads up to 4".

Code: TAN-180
Sealing cord LC55-150
Sealing cord LC55-150
Stock (25 pcs)
607 Kč excl. VAT
734 Kč / pcs

The manufacturer of the cord is Loctite 55. Package contents are 150 m. Used on fine and coarse threads up to 4".

Code: LC55-150