Šroubové a pístové kompresory s příkonem 15 kW
Provozy s opravdu vysokými nároky na odběr stlačeného vzduchu, typicky automatizované linky nebo různé velké dílny a haly, kde se neustále používá pneumatické nářadí, vyžadují vždy to nejvýkonnější. Kompresory s příkonem 15 kW jsou stroje splňující ty nejnáročnější požadavky na odběr stlačeného vzduchu. Jde především o šroubové kompresory s instalovanou kondenzační sušičkou a tlakovou nádobou pro nepřetržitý provoz.
- Black Wind reciprocating compressors; cheap and simple design
- ABAC reciprocating compressors; Base line - basic
- Atmos reciprocating compressors; PERFECT cast iron series
- Walter reciprocating compressors; GK cast iron robust machines
- ABAC reciprocating compressors; Line series
- ABAC reciprocating compressors; Professional comfort series
- ABAC reciprocating compressors; Pro Zero oil-free series
- ABAC reciprocating compressors; Pro Silent series
- Super Silent compressors; super quiet oil-free design
- CLR reciprocating compressors; oil-free dental design
- CNR reciprocating compressors; oil-free medical according to ISO
- Combustion compressors; petrol and diesel engines
- Screw compressors; for continuous operation
- Pressure vessels; self-contained and equipped
- Compressor accessories; oil-drain-valves
Comfortable 15 kW screw compressor with practical design with pressure vessel and condensation dryer to save installation space. The maximum outlet pressure is 10 bar at an air...
Separate screw compressor with 15 kW input without pressure vessel. The maximum outlet pressure is 10 bar at an air flow of 1 680 l/min. Infologic2 electronic unit with digital...
Comfortable 15 kW screw compressor with practical design with pressure vessel and condensation dryer to save installation space. The maximum outlet pressure is 10 bar at an air...
Separate compressor unit BV89. Designed for professional use. Oil-lubricated design, two-stage compressor with two pistons. Supplied with impeller for V-belt connection. 4...
Separate screw compressor with 15 kW power input without air dryer and air dryer. The maximum outlet pressure is 10 bar at an air flow of 2,215 l/min. Infologic2 electronic unit...
Workshop piston compressor with V-belts with an output pressure of 11 bar designed for use in craft and professional applications. Stationary oil-lubricated design with two...
The oil-lubricated screw compressor with extreme volumetric performance and liquid-cooled PM motor IE4 has been developed especially with the most efficient compressed air...
The oil-lubricated screw compressor with extreme volumetric performance and liquid-cooled PM motor IE4 has been developed especially with the most efficient compressed air...
The oil-lubricated screw compressor with extreme volumetric performance and liquid-cooled PM motor IE4 has been developed especially with the most efficient compressed air...