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AAFM pre-filter - 1" - 5,583 l/min
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Popis produktu
Prefilter for compressed air up to 0,1 um - AAFM-335
Technical parameters
Category: | AAFM compressed air pre-filters |
Version: | Prefilter |
Pressure: | 16 bar |
Connecting: | 1" |
Dimensions: | (A)361 x (B)125 x (C)37 x (D)350 mm |
Certification: | CE-PED-H, ISO 8573-1 (IUTA) |
Filtration: | 0.1 µm |
Filter insert: | AAFM-335V |
Material: | Aluminium |
Condensate discharge: | Automatic |
Working temperature: | +1.5 / +65 °C |
Flow: | 5,583 l/min |
Residual oil: | <0,1 mg/m³ |
Quality class - oils: | 2 |
Quality class - solid impurities: | 2 |
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Alfa and Omega from SloveniaBased in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, is a company specializing in compressed air treatment, production of industrial filters and filter cartridges, separators, or special membrane dryers, and other products. Omega Air was founded in 1988 as a family business and soon secured an essential place in its field. Over the years, with increasing production, the number of Omega Air employees also grew, and today the company employs more than 250 people. |
Omega's Products Find Use EverywhereThe products of Omega Air are characterized by a wide range of applications. Their products are used in heavy industry as well as by private entities. The Slovenian footprint is noticeable in industrial areas such as electronics, gastronomy, pharmacy, automotive, or even in the chemical industry sector. The company's main product is special filters, which are exported worldwide. |
No Newcomer in the FieldOmega Air also boasts several innovations and patents of its own, which are developed in its R&D department. For its innovative solutions, the company has been awarded several times at the International Engineering Fair, traditionally held in Hannover, Germany. The offered range of Omega Air products is brought to you by our company Kompresory vzduchotechnika below. |
What Omega Air Produces:
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