Požární hadice Eschbach s koncovkou D25
Požární hadice Eschbach patří mezi naprostou špičku mezi požární technikou. Nabídka je široká, výrobce umožňuje i vlastní potisk hadic a opravdu rozmanité naspecifikování. Nejsnazší na pořízení jsou však kompletní hadice s připevněnou koncovkou. Stejně jako u této varianty, kde je koncovka D25. V nabídce hadice pro dobrovolnické sbory i profi hasiče, ale i hadice pro čerpání různých kapalin.
- EL fire hose; standard hose
- ESPU fire hoses; abrasion resistant hoses
- ESL fire hoses; reflective fire hoses
- Fire hose X2000; lightweight hoses
- ESFS fire hoses; hydrant hoses
- POLR fire hoses; chemical resistant hoses
- MONOFLEX fire hose; hose for winches
- OLRB fire hoses; antistatic hoses
- ADR fire hoses; drinking water hoses
- AQF flat hoses; for irrigation and liquids
- HLA flat hoses; for connecting hammers
- Hadice pro vzduch MNA; pro vedení stlačeného vzduchu
- Hadice plochá DJ120; pro sněžná děla
- HLS flat hoses; for pumping various substances
- Ploché hadice HLPU; pro čerpání rozličných látek
Extremely abrasion-resistant fire hoses in red, certified according to DIN 14811, available as standard in 25 mm diameter including D-type forged aluminium end caps fixed with...
Extremely abrasion-resistant fire hoses in red, certified according to DIN 14811, available as standard in 25 mm diameter including D-type forged aluminium end caps fixed with...
Extremely abrasion-resistant fire hoses in red, certified according to DIN 14811, available as standard in 25 mm diameter including D-type forged aluminium end caps fixed with...
Extremely abrasion-resistant fire hoses in red, certified according to DIN 14811, available as standard in 25 mm diameter including D-type forged aluminium end caps fixed with...
Extremely abrasion-resistant fire hoses in red, certified according to DIN 14811, available as standard in 25 mm diameter including D-type forged aluminium end caps fixed with...
Hose with shape stability for winches, certified according to DIN EN 694. Shape stable for easy winding, very light and flexible, resistant to ageing, abrasion and rot, flame...
Hose with shape stability for winches, certified according to DIN EN 694. Shape stable for easy winding, very light and flexible, resistant to ageing, abrasion and rot, flame...
Hose with shape stability for winches, certified according to DIN EN 694. Shape stable for easy winding, very light and flexible, resistant to ageing, abrasion and rot, flame...
Hose with shape stability for winches, certified according to DIN EN 694. Shape stable for easy winding, very light and flexible, resistant to ageing, abrasion and rot, flame...
Hose with shape stability for winches, certified according to DIN EN 694. Shape stable for easy winding, very light and flexible, resistant to ageing, abrasion and rot, flame...
Extremely abrasion-resistant fire hoses in red, certified according to DIN 14811, available as standard in 25 mm diameter including D-type forged aluminium end caps fixed with...