Membra Plastic, Page 6

Byť světová špička, stále jako rodinný podnik

Na ploše skoro 28 000 metrů čtverečních se dnes rozkládá společnost vynikající výrobou vzduchových a hydraulických hadic a sortimentu pro aplikaci pneumatických pohonů v průmyslu - Mebra Plastik Italia SpA. Jak sám název napovídá, sídlo společnosti se nachází v italském Busto Arsizio, odkud se se svými výrobky dostala až od světového popředí ve svém oboru. Filosofie firmy spočívá v rodinném vedení společnosti, která téměř před 50 lety začínala právě jako rodinný podnik a v tomto stylu pokračuje i dnes, byť se ve vedení Membra Plastik vystřídaly již 3 generace. Úzký vztah mezi vedením a zaměstnanci ve spojení s 50 let předávanými zkušenostmi a moderními technologiemi znamená, že se zákazník na kvalitu produktů může zcela spolehnout.


Touha po dokonalosti

Membra Plastik v současnosti znamená celosvětově zavedenou značku, jejíž výrobky jsou vyhledávaným zbožím jak u velkých průmyslových společností, tak i v zemědělství nebo v dílenském prostředí. Za oblibou značky však stojí mnohaletá snaha o vyvinutí těch nejspolehlivějších produktů a nasazení přísných norem kvality. Velké plus zejména hydraulických a pneumatických hadic jsou jedinečné technologické vlastnosti, které v mnoha případech předčí svou konkurenci. V roce 2016 navíc Membra Plastik zahájila provoz nové továrny, čímž zdvojnásobila svou produktivitu. 

Nabízený sortiment značky Membra Plastik naleznete níže

944 items total
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 12/8 mm - length 6 m
2 584 Kč –4 %
2 029 Kč excl. VAT
2 455 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 12/8 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 7.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplers. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS81275ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 12/8 mm - length 3 m
2 010 Kč –5 %
1 578 Kč excl. VAT
1 909 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 12/8 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS8125ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 12/8 mm - length 2 m
1 444 Kč –5 %
1 133 Kč excl. VAT
1 371 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 12/8 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 2.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplers. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS81225ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 10/6.5 mm - length 10 m
2 921 Kč –5 %
2 293 Kč excl. VAT
2 775 Kč / pcs

High quality black spiral hose 10/6.5 mm with extreme spiral return capability of 12.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular...

Code: PUBS6510125ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 10/6.5 mm - length 8 m
2 590 Kč –4 %
2 034 Kč excl. VAT
2 461 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 10/6.5 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 10 m and long service life, including end quick couplers. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS651010ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 10/6.5 mm - length 6 m
2 213 Kč –5 %
1 737 Kč excl. VAT
2 102 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 10/6.5 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 7.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS651075ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 10/6.5 mm - length 4 m
1 756 Kč –4 %
1 379 Kč excl. VAT
1 669 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 10/6.5 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 5 m and long service life, including end quick couplers. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS65105ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 10/6.5 mm - length 2 m
1 300 Kč –5 %
1 021 Kč excl. VAT
1 235 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 10/6.5 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 2.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS651025ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 8/5.5 mm - length 10 m
2 382 Kč –5 %
1 870 Kč excl. VAT
2 263 Kč / pcs

High-quality black spiral hose 8/5.5 mm with extreme spiral return capability of 12.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS558125ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 8/5.5 mm - length 8 m
2 177 Kč –5 %
1 709 Kč excl. VAT
2 068 Kč / pcs

High-quality black spiral hose 8/5.5 mm with extreme spiral return capability of 10 m and long service life, including end quick couplers. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS55810ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 8/5.5 mm - length 6 m
1 863 Kč –4 %
1 463 Kč excl. VAT
1 770 Kč / pcs

High-quality black spiral hose 8/5.5 mm with extreme spiral return capability of 7.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS55875ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 8/5.5 mm - length 4 m
1 548 Kč –5 %
1 215 Kč excl. VAT
1 470 Kč / pcs

High-quality black spiral hose 8/5.5 mm with extreme spiral return capability of 5 m and long service life, including end quick couplers. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS5585ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 8/5.5 mm - length 2 m
1 186 Kč –4 %
931 Kč excl. VAT
1 127 Kč / pcs

High-quality black spiral hose 8/5.5 mm with extreme spiral return capability of 2.5 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS55825ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 6/4 mm - length 3 m
1 192 Kč –5 %
936 Kč excl. VAT
1 132 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 6/4 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 4 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS464ES
PUBS spiral hose with quick couplings 6/4 mm - length 1.5 m
1 034 Kč –4 %
812 Kč excl. VAT
983 Kč / pcs

High-quality black 6/4 mm spiral hose with extreme spiral return capability of 2 m and long service life, including end quick couplings. Made of branded granular elastollan...

Code: PUBS462ES
Suction hose PVC1N0 127 mm
288 Kč excl. VAT
349 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 127 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-127
Suction hose PVC1N0 45 mm
79 Kč excl. VAT
96 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 45 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-045
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Original parts
183 Kč –4 %
144 Kč excl. VAT
174 Kč / pcs

Spare blade for large KTV pliers up to 30 mm tubing size. With the pliers, you simply cut the pipe so that it can be easily plugged into the socket system.

Code: KTV-N
Protective spiral SPN-80
2 094 Kč –2 %
1 696 Kč excl. VAT
2 052 Kč / m

Universal protection spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 75 - 200 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-80
Protective spiral SPN-65
1 819 Kč –2 %
1 473 Kč excl. VAT
1 782 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 60-120 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-65
Protective spiral SPN-44
616 Kč –1 %
499 Kč excl. VAT
604 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 42 - 65 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-44
Protective spiral SPN-35
491 Kč –1 %
398 Kč excl. VAT
482 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 35 - 42 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-35
Protective spiral SPN-27
367 Kč –2 %
297 Kč excl. VAT
359 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 27 - 35 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-27
Protective spiral SPN-20
264 Kč –1 %
214 Kč excl. VAT
259 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 22 - 28 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-20
Protective spiral SPN-16
159 Kč –1 %
129 Kč excl. VAT
156 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 16 - 22 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-16
Protective spiral SPN-13
152 Kč –1 %
123 Kč excl. VAT
149 Kč / m

Universal protective spiral for cable and hose bundles with a diameter of 13 - 16 mm. Well resistant to oil, mechanical stress and UV radiation. Made of black PVC, working...

Code: SPN-13
Fluoropolymer hose clear 12/10 mm
292 Kč –5 %
229 Kč excl. VAT
277 Kč / m

Fluoropolymer plastic hose with excellent resistance to most chemicals. 12/10 mm diameter extremely transparent design. Operating temperature -60/200 °C dielectric properties,...

Code: FEP1210N
Fluoropolymer hose clear 10/8 mm
247 Kč –5 %
193 Kč excl. VAT
234 Kč / m

Fluoropolymer plastic hose with excellent resistance to most chemicals. 10/8 mm diameter extremely transparent design. Operating temperature -60/200 °C dielectric properties,...

Code: FEP108N
Fluoropolymer hose clear 8/6 mm
213 Kč –4 %
168 Kč excl. VAT
203 Kč / m

Fluoropolymer plastic hose with excellent resistance to most chemicals. 8/6 mm diameter extremely transparent design. Operating temperature -60/200 °C dielectric properties,...

Code: FEP86N
Fluoropolymer hose clear 6/4 mm
187 Kč –4 %
147 Kč excl. VAT
178 Kč / m

Fluoropolymer plastic hose with excellent resistance to most chemicals. 6/4 mm diameter extremely transparent design. Operating temperature -60/200 °C dielectric properties,...

Code: FEP64N
Fluoropolymer hose clear 4/2 mm
142 Kč –4 %
112 Kč excl. VAT
135 Kč / m

Fluoropolymer plastic hose with excellent resistance to most chemicals. 4/2 mm diameter extremely transparent design. Operating temperature -60/200 °C dielectric properties,...

Code: FEP42N
Teflon hose PTFE clear 18/15 mm
712 Kč –4 %
560 Kč excl. VAT
677 Kč / m

The PTFE Teflon 18/15 mm milk tubing are tubing with excellent resistance to chemicals and high temperature. Ideal dielectric properties, resistance to the effects of oxygen,...

Code: PTFE1815N
Teflon hose PTFE clear 15/12.5 mm
539 Kč –5 %
423 Kč excl. VAT
512 Kč / m

The PTFE Teflon 15/12,5 mm milk tubing are tubes with excellent resistance to chemicals and high temperature. Ideal dielectric properties, resistance to the effects of oxygen,...

Code: PTFE15125N
ExtraFlex hose blue 12/9 mm
115 Kč –4 %
91 Kč excl. VAT
110 Kč / m

Blue plastic hose with 12/9 mm diameter and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high flexibility...

Code: PAEX129B
ExtraFlex tube blue 10/8 mm
66 Kč –4 %
ExtraFlex tube blue 10/8 mm
up to 14 days (54 m)
52 Kč excl. VAT
63 Kč / m

Blue plastic hose with 10/8 mm diameter and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high flexibility...

Code: PAEX108B
ExtraFlex tube blue 8/6 mm
52 Kč –5 %
40 Kč excl. VAT
49 Kč / m

Blue plastic hose with 8/6 mm diameter and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high flexibility...

Code: PAEX86B
ExtraFlex tubing clear 12/9 mm
115 Kč –4 %
91 Kč excl. VAT
110 Kč / m

Clear plastic hose with a diameter of 12/9 mm and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high...

Code: PAEX129N
ExtraFlex tubing clear 10/8 mm
66 Kč –4 %
52 Kč excl. VAT
63 Kč / m

Clear plastic hose with a diameter of 10/8 mm and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high...

Code: PAEX108N
ExtraFlex tubing clear 8/6 mm
52 Kč –5 %
40 Kč excl. VAT
49 Kč / m

Clear plastic hose with a diameter of 8/6 mm and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high...

Code: PAEX86N
ExtraFlex tubing clear 6/4 mm
37 Kč –5 %
ExtraFlex tubing clear 6/4 mm
up to 14 days (50 m)
29 Kč excl. VAT
35 Kč / m

Clear plastic hose with 6/4 mm diameter and high flexibility requirements. Operating temperature -40/+80 °C. Suitable for high pressure, chemical resistance and high flexibility...

Code: PAEX64N
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Page 6 of 24 - 944 items total