Membra Plastic, Page 24
Byť světová špička, stále jako rodinný podnikNa ploše skoro 28 000 metrů čtverečních se dnes rozkládá společnost vynikající výrobou vzduchových a hydraulických hadic a sortimentu pro aplikaci pneumatických pohonů v průmyslu - Mebra Plastik Italia SpA. Jak sám název napovídá, sídlo společnosti se nachází v italském Busto Arsizio, odkud se se svými výrobky dostala až od světového popředí ve svém oboru. Filosofie firmy spočívá v rodinném vedení společnosti, která téměř před 50 lety začínala právě jako rodinný podnik a v tomto stylu pokračuje i dnes, byť se ve vedení Membra Plastik vystřídaly již 3 generace. Úzký vztah mezi vedením a zaměstnanci ve spojení s 50 let předávanými zkušenostmi a moderními technologiemi znamená, že se zákazník na kvalitu produktů může zcela spolehnout. |
Touha po dokonalostiMembra Plastik v současnosti znamená celosvětově zavedenou značku, jejíž výrobky jsou vyhledávaným zbožím jak u velkých průmyslových společností, tak i v zemědělství nebo v dílenském prostředí. Za oblibou značky však stojí mnohaletá snaha o vyvinutí těch nejspolehlivějších produktů a nasazení přísných norem kvality. Velké plus zejména hydraulických a pneumatických hadic jsou jedinečné technologické vlastnosti, které v mnoha případech předčí svou konkurenci. V roce 2016 navíc Membra Plastik zahájila provoz nové továrny, čímž zdvojnásobila svou produktivitu. Nabízený sortiment značky Membra Plastik naleznete níže. |
Blue hose with 12/8 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. PA11 Rilsan guarantees high resistance to moisture, salt water, oils,...
Blue hose with 10/8 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. PA11 Rilsan guarantees high resistance to moisture, salt water, oils,...
Blue hose with dimensions 10/7 mm and excellent pressure resistance for longer straight lines. PA11 Rilsan guarantees high resistance to moisture, salt water, oils, chemicals...
Blue hose with 6/4 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. PA11 Rilsan guarantees high resistance to moisture, salt water, oils,...
Blue tubing with 8/6 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. High resistance to moisture, salt water, oils, chemicals and aging....
Blue tubing with 8/5 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. High resistance to moisture, salt water, oils, chemicals and aging....
Blue tubing with 5/3 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. High resistance to moisture, salt water, oils, chemicals and aging....
Blue tubing with 4/2.7 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. High resistance to moisture, salt water, oils, chemicals and aging....
Blue tubing with 4/2.5 mm dimensions and excellent pressure resistance designed for longer straight lines. High resistance to moisture, salt water, oils, chemicals and aging....
Hard nylon tubing in clear 12/10 mm with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hard nylon tubing in clear 5/3 mm with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hard nylon tubing in 4/2 mm clear with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hard nylon tubing in blue 12/10 mm with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hard nylon tubing in blue 10/8 mm with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hard nylon tubing in blue 8/6mm with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water, oils,...
Hard nylon tubing in blue 6/4 mm with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hard nylon tubing in 4/2 mm blue with excellent pressure resistance properties designed for longer straight lines. High resistance of PA6 polyamide to moisture, salt water,...
Hose for heavy-duty applications with good resistance to impact, microorganisms and salty solutions in blue with dimensions 12/10 mm. The use of plastic PE tubing especially in...
PUJ polyurethane tubing in black 16/11 mm, especially suitable for mechanically stressed lines, excellent flexibility. High resistance to oxygen, ozone, vibration and aging. Use...
Polyurethane PUJ tubing in blue 16/11 mm, especially suitable for mechanically stressed lines, excellent flexibility. High resistance to oxygen, ozone, vibration and aging. Use...
Tube made of grilamid PA12 for plastic design of compressed air pipelines. Pipe dimensions 28/23 mm with a recommended operating pressure of 14 bar. The classic blue colour for...
Tube made of grilamid PA12 for plastic design of compressed air pipelines. Pipe dimensions 22/18 mm with a recommended operating pressure of 15 bar. The classic blue colour for...
Tube made of grilamid PA12 for plastic design of compressed air pipelines. Pipe dimensions 18/14 mm with recommended operating pressure 17 bar. The classic blue colour for the...
Tube made of grilamid PA12 for plastic design of compressed air pipelines. Pipe dimensions 28/23 mm with a recommended operating pressure of 14 bar. The classic blue colour for...
Page 24 of 24 - 944 items total