Membra Plastic, Page 16

Byť světová špička, stále jako rodinný podnik

Na ploše skoro 28 000 metrů čtverečních se dnes rozkládá společnost vynikající výrobou vzduchových a hydraulických hadic a sortimentu pro aplikaci pneumatických pohonů v průmyslu - Mebra Plastik Italia SpA. Jak sám název napovídá, sídlo společnosti se nachází v italském Busto Arsizio, odkud se se svými výrobky dostala až od světového popředí ve svém oboru. Filosofie firmy spočívá v rodinném vedení společnosti, která téměř před 50 lety začínala právě jako rodinný podnik a v tomto stylu pokračuje i dnes, byť se ve vedení Membra Plastik vystřídaly již 3 generace. Úzký vztah mezi vedením a zaměstnanci ve spojení s 50 let předávanými zkušenostmi a moderními technologiemi znamená, že se zákazník na kvalitu produktů může zcela spolehnout.


Touha po dokonalosti

Membra Plastik v současnosti znamená celosvětově zavedenou značku, jejíž výrobky jsou vyhledávaným zbožím jak u velkých průmyslových společností, tak i v zemědělství nebo v dílenském prostředí. Za oblibou značky však stojí mnohaletá snaha o vyvinutí těch nejspolehlivějších produktů a nasazení přísných norem kvality. Velké plus zejména hydraulických a pneumatických hadic jsou jedinečné technologické vlastnosti, které v mnoha případech předčí svou konkurenci. V roce 2016 navíc Membra Plastik zahájila provoz nové továrny, čímž zdvojnásobila svou produktivitu. 

Nabízený sortiment značky Membra Plastik naleznete níže

944 items total
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi Eva 45/55 mm
193 Kč excl. VAT
234 Kč / m

Hose designed for home and industrial vacuum cleaners with inner diameter 45 mm. Flexible hose without internal spiral with high flexibility, resistant to permanent deformation...

Code: EVA-45
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi Eva 38/48 mm
181 Kč excl. VAT
219 Kč / m

Hose designed for home and industrial vacuum cleaners with an inner diameter of 38 mm. Flexible hose without internal spiral with high flexibility, resistant to permanent...

Code: EVA-38
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi Eva 32/41 mm
139 Kč excl. VAT
168 Kč / m

Hose designed for home and industrial vacuum cleaners with an internal diameter of 32 mm. Flexible hose without internal spiral with high flexibility, resistant to permanent...

Code: EVA-32
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi Eva 28/35 mm
134 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / m

Hose designed for home and industrial vacuum cleaners with inner diameter 28 mm. Flexible hose without internal spiral with high flexibility, resistant to permanent deformation...

Code: EVA-28
Hose for granulates Grano Profi 75/84 mm
624 Kč excl. VAT
755 Kč / m

Hose for transport of granules and bulk materials with internal dimension 75 mm and working temperature -5/+60°C. Made of clear soft PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral...

Code: GPP-075
Hose for granulates Grano Profi 50/58 mm
442 Kč excl. VAT
535 Kč / m

Hose for transport of granules and bulk materials with internal dimension 50 mm and working temperature -5/+60°C. Made of clear soft PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral...

Code: GPP-050
Hose for granulates Grano Profi 40/48 mm
350 Kč excl. VAT
423 Kč / m

Hose for transport of granules and bulk materials with internal dimension 40 mm and working temperature -5/+60°C. Made of clear soft PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral...

Code: GPP-040
Hose for granulates Grano Profi 38/46mm
308 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / m

Hose for transport of granules and bulk materials with internal dimension 38 mm and working temperature -5/+60°C. Made of clear soft PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral...

Code: GPP-038
Hose for wine Wine Profi 80/92 mm
646 Kč excl. VAT
782 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 80 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-080
Hose for wine Wine Profi 76/87mm
569 Kč excl. VAT
689 Kč / m

Food hose with an internal dimension of 76 mm and a working temperature of -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened...

Code: WPP-076
Wine hose Wine Profi 70/80mm
530 Kč excl. VAT
641 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 70 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-070
Hose for wine Wine Profi 63/73mm
488 Kč excl. VAT
591 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 63 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-063
Hose for wine Wine Profi 60/69mm
453 Kč excl. VAT
548 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 60 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-060
Hose for wine Wine Profi 55/64mm
383 Kč excl. VAT
464 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 55 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-055
Hose for wine Wine Profi 50/59mm
335 Kč excl. VAT
405 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 50 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-050
Hose for wine Wine Profi 45/54mm
280 Kč excl. VAT
339 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 45 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-045
Hose for wine Wine Profi 40/49mm
230 Kč excl. VAT
278 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 40 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C with increased working pressure. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with red hardened PVC spiral....

Code: WPP-040
Food hose Drink Profi 80/90 mm
375 Kč excl. VAT
454 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 80 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-080
Food hose Drink Profi 75/84 mm
341 Kč excl. VAT
413 Kč / m

Food hose with an internal dimension of 75 mm and an operating temperature of -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in...

Code: DPVS-075
Food hose Drink Profi 70/79 mm
313 Kč excl. VAT
379 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 70 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-070
Food hose Drink Profi 63/71 mm
275 Kč excl. VAT
333 Kč / m

Food hose with an internal dimension of 63 mm and an operating temperature of -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in...

Code: DPVS-063
Food hose Drink Profi 60/68 mm
270 Kč excl. VAT
327 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 60 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-060
Food hose Drink Profi 50/58 mm
207 Kč excl. VAT
251 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 50 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-050
Food hose Drink Profi 45/53 mm
196 Kč excl. VAT
237 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 45 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-045
Food hose Drink Profi 40/47 mm
161 Kč excl. VAT
195 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 40 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-040
Food hose Drink Profi 32/38 mm
116 Kč excl. VAT
140 Kč / m

Food hose with an internal dimension of 32 mm and an operating temperature of -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in...

Code: DPVS-032
Food hose Drink Profi 25/31 mm
103 Kč excl. VAT
125 Kč / m

Food hose with internal dimension 25 mm and working temperature -10 to 60°C. Made of softened white PVC, reinforced with hardened PVC spiral. Manufactured in accordance with...

Code: DPVS-025
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 160/179mm
1 693 Kč excl. VAT
2 048 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 160 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-160
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 152/170mm
1 488 Kč excl. VAT
1 801 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 152 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-152
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 130/147mm
1 249 Kč excl. VAT
1 511 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 130 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-130
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 127/144mm
1 060 Kč excl. VAT
1 283 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 127 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-127
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 120/136mm
955 Kč excl. VAT
1 155 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 120 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-120
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 110/125mm
913 Kč excl. VAT
1 105 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 110 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-110
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 105/120mm
858 Kč excl. VAT
1 038 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 105 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-105
Faecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 102/117mm
787 Kč excl. VAT
952 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 102 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-102
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 90/103mm
689 Kč excl. VAT
834 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 90mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with red...

Code: FEPE-090
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 80/93mm
559 Kč excl. VAT
676 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 80 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-080
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 76/89mm
485 Kč excl. VAT
587 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 76 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-076
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 70/83mm
502 Kč excl. VAT
607 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with an inner diameter of 70 mm and an operating temperature of -25/+60°C, for low-temperature work. Reinforced with...

Code: FEPE-070
Fecal hose Fecal Profi PVC Elastic - 63/75mm
434 Kč excl. VAT
525 Kč / m

High-quality pressure-suction hose for water and liquids, with 63mm inner diameter and working temperature -25/+60°C, for low temperature work. Reinforced with red spiral...

Code: FEPE-063
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Page 16 of 24 - 944 items total