Membra Plastic, Page 15

Byť světová špička, stále jako rodinný podnik

Na ploše skoro 28 000 metrů čtverečních se dnes rozkládá společnost vynikající výrobou vzduchových a hydraulických hadic a sortimentu pro aplikaci pneumatických pohonů v průmyslu - Mebra Plastik Italia SpA. Jak sám název napovídá, sídlo společnosti se nachází v italském Busto Arsizio, odkud se se svými výrobky dostala až od světového popředí ve svém oboru. Filosofie firmy spočívá v rodinném vedení společnosti, která téměř před 50 lety začínala právě jako rodinný podnik a v tomto stylu pokračuje i dnes, byť se ve vedení Membra Plastik vystřídaly již 3 generace. Úzký vztah mezi vedením a zaměstnanci ve spojení s 50 let předávanými zkušenostmi a moderními technologiemi znamená, že se zákazník na kvalitu produktů může zcela spolehnout.


Touha po dokonalosti

Membra Plastik v současnosti znamená celosvětově zavedenou značku, jejíž výrobky jsou vyhledávaným zbožím jak u velkých průmyslových společností, tak i v zemědělství nebo v dílenském prostředí. Za oblibou značky však stojí mnohaletá snaha o vyvinutí těch nejspolehlivějších produktů a nasazení přísných norem kvality. Velké plus zejména hydraulických a pneumatických hadic jsou jedinečné technologické vlastnosti, které v mnoha případech předčí svou konkurenci. V roce 2016 navíc Membra Plastik zahájila provoz nové továrny, čímž zdvojnásobila svou produktivitu. 

Nabízený sortiment značky Membra Plastik naleznete níže

944 items total
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 508/512 mm
1 585 Kč excl. VAT
1 918 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 508 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-508
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 406/410 mm
1 291 Kč excl. VAT
1 562 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 406 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-406
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 356/360 mm
994 Kč excl. VAT
1 203 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 356 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-356
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 305/309 mm
887 Kč excl. VAT
1 073 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 305 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-305
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 280/284 mm
821 Kč excl. VAT
993 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 280 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-280
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 250/254 mm
674 Kč excl. VAT
815 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 250 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-250
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 220/224 mm
648 Kč excl. VAT
784 Kč / m

Fabric hose with an inner diameter of 220 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and...

Code: PVCX1NB-220
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 200/204 mm
542 Kč excl. VAT
656 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 200 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-200
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 180/184 mm
521 Kč excl. VAT
631 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 180 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-180
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 160/164 mm
428 Kč excl. VAT
518 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 160 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-160
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 152/156 mm
402 Kč excl. VAT
486 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 152 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-152
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 140/143 mm
390 Kč excl. VAT
472 Kč / m

Fabric hose with an inner diameter of 140 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and...

Code: PVCX1NB-140
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 130/133 mm
374 Kč excl. VAT
453 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 130 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-130
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 125/128 mm
346 Kč excl. VAT
419 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 125 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-125
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 120/123 mm
341 Kč excl. VAT
413 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 120 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-120
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 110/113 mm
316 Kč excl. VAT
382 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 110 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-110
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 102/105 mm
277 Kč excl. VAT
335 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 102 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-102
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 90/93 mm
270 Kč excl. VAT
327 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 90 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-090
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 80/83 mm
227 Kč excl. VAT
275 Kč / m

Fabric hose with inner diameter 80 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and compressibility....

Code: PVCX1NB-080
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 76/79mm
215 Kč excl. VAT
260 Kč / m

Fabric hose with an inner diameter of 76 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and...

Code: PVCX1NB-076
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 70/73mm
187 Kč excl. VAT
226 Kč / m

Fabric hose with an inner diameter of 70 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and...

Code: PVCX1NB-070
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 60/62mm
182 Kč excl. VAT
220 Kč / m

Fabric hose with an inner diameter of 60 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and...

Code: PVCX1NB-060
Fabric hose PVCX-1NB 51/53mm
161 Kč excl. VAT
195 Kč / m

Fabric hose with an inner diameter of 51 mm made of PVC impregnated polyester fabric, reinforced with steel spiral. The hose is characterized by high flexibility and...

Code: PVCX1NB-051
Suction hose PVC1N0 35 mm
52 Kč excl. VAT
63 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 35 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-035
Suction hose PVC1N0 30 mm
44 Kč excl. VAT
53 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 30 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-030
Suction hose PVC1N0 38 mm
59 Kč excl. VAT
71 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 38 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-038
Suction hose PVC1N0 150 mm
363 Kč excl. VAT
439 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 150 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-150
Suction hose PVC1N0 110 mm
250 Kč excl. VAT
302 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 110 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-110
Suction hose PVC1N0 100 mm
220 Kč excl. VAT
266 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 100 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-100
Suction hose PVC1N0 90 mm
193 Kč excl. VAT
233 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 90 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-090
Suction hose PVC1N0 80 mm
170 Kč excl. VAT
206 Kč / m

Suction hose with a diameter of 80 mm made of transparent soft PVC, reinforced with white hardened PVC spiral. The hose is designed for extraction in air handling systems and...

Code: PVC1NO-080
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 51/57 mm
529 Kč excl. VAT
640 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an internal diameter of 51 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-51
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 44/50 mm
446 Kč excl. VAT
540 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an inner diameter of 44 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-44
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 41/47 mm
445 Kč excl. VAT
538 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an inner diameter of 41 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-41
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 38/44 mm
413 Kč excl. VAT
500 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an inner diameter of 38 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-38
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 35/41 mm
419 Kč excl. VAT
507 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an internal diameter of 35 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-35
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 32/38 mm
415 Kč excl. VAT
502 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an internal diameter of 32 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-32
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi PVC 28/34 mm
413 Kč excl. VAT
500 Kč / m

Hose designed for domestic and industrial vacuum cleaners with increased demands with an inner diameter of 28 mm. The flexible hose is characterised by its excellent handling...

Code: LUX-28
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi Eva 60/72 mm
268 Kč excl. VAT
324 Kč / m

Hose designed for home and industrial vacuum cleaners with an internal diameter of 60 mm. Flexible hose without internal spiral with high flexibility, resistant to permanent...

Code: EVA-60
Hose for vacuum cleaners Vacuum Profi Eva 50/61 mm
200 Kč excl. VAT
242 Kč / m

Hose designed for home and industrial vacuum cleaners with inner diameter 50 mm. Flexible hose without internal spiral with high flexibility, resistant to permanent deformation...

Code: EVA-50
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Page 15 of 24 - 944 items total