Membra Plastic, Page 14

Byť světová špička, stále jako rodinný podnik

Na ploše skoro 28 000 metrů čtverečních se dnes rozkládá společnost vynikající výrobou vzduchových a hydraulických hadic a sortimentu pro aplikaci pneumatických pohonů v průmyslu - Mebra Plastik Italia SpA. Jak sám název napovídá, sídlo společnosti se nachází v italském Busto Arsizio, odkud se se svými výrobky dostala až od světového popředí ve svém oboru. Filosofie firmy spočívá v rodinném vedení společnosti, která téměř před 50 lety začínala právě jako rodinný podnik a v tomto stylu pokračuje i dnes, byť se ve vedení Membra Plastik vystřídaly již 3 generace. Úzký vztah mezi vedením a zaměstnanci ve spojení s 50 let předávanými zkušenostmi a moderními technologiemi znamená, že se zákazník na kvalitu produktů může zcela spolehnout.


Touha po dokonalosti

Membra Plastik v současnosti znamená celosvětově zavedenou značku, jejíž výrobky jsou vyhledávaným zbožím jak u velkých průmyslových společností, tak i v zemědělství nebo v dílenském prostředí. Za oblibou značky však stojí mnohaletá snaha o vyvinutí těch nejspolehlivějších produktů a nasazení přísných norem kvality. Velké plus zejména hydraulických a pneumatických hadic jsou jedinečné technologické vlastnosti, které v mnoha případech předčí svou konkurenci. V roce 2016 navíc Membra Plastik zahájila provoz nové továrny, čímž zdvojnásobila svou produktivitu. 

Nabízený sortiment značky Membra Plastik naleznete níže

944 items total
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 140mm
1 276 Kč excl. VAT
1 544 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 140 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-140
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 127mm
1 155 Kč excl. VAT
1 397 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 127 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-127
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 120mm
1 124 Kč excl. VAT
1 360 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 120 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-120
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 114mm
1 063 Kč excl. VAT
1 286 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 114 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-114
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 110mm
1 012 Kč excl. VAT
1 224 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 110 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-110
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 102mm
979 Kč excl. VAT
1 184 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 102 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-102
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 95mm
951 Kč excl. VAT
1 151 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 95 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-095
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 90mm
907 Kč excl. VAT
1 097 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 90 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-090
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 83mm
864 Kč excl. VAT
1 045 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 83 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-083
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 80mm
850 Kč excl. VAT
1 028 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 80 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-080
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 76mm
811 Kč excl. VAT
981 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 76 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-076
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 70mm
785 Kč excl. VAT
950 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 70 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-070
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 65mm
763 Kč excl. VAT
923 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 65 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-065
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 64mm
757 Kč excl. VAT
916 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 64 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-064
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 63mm
757 Kč excl. VAT
916 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 suction hose with a diameter of 63 mm made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with a steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high...

Code: FVNE2-063
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 60mm
746 Kč excl. VAT
903 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 60 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-060
Extraction hose FoxiVulca Neo2 55mm
709 Kč excl. VAT
858 Kč / m

FoxiFoxiVulca Neo2 55 mm diameter suction hose made of fibreglass-coated neoprene with steel wire spiral. Two-layer design. Designed especially for places with high ambient...

Code: FVNE2-055
Extraction hose FoxiSpecial Car-Memory 65mm
1 252 Kč excl. VAT
1 515 Kč / m

FoxiSpecial Car-Memory exhaust hose with a diameter of 65 mm made of temperature-resistant plastic with plastic profile spiral. Smooth inside for exceptional abrasion resistance...

Code: FSCM-065
Extraction hose FoxiBase Santoprene SL 400mm
4 160 Kč excl. VAT
5 033 Kč / m

The FoxiBase Santoprene SL suction hose with a diameter of 400 mm is made of 0.55 mm thick santoprene TPV with a steel wire spiral. Smooth inside for exceptional abrasion...

Code: FBSNS-400
Suction hose PUR1 305 mm
1 885 Kč –4 %
1 480 Kč excl. VAT
1 791 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 305 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-305
Suction hose PUR1 254 mm
1 479 Kč –5 %
1 161 Kč excl. VAT
1 405 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 254 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-254
Suction hose PUR1 203 mm
1 144 Kč –4 %
898 Kč excl. VAT
1 087 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 203 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-203
Suction hose PUR1 160 mm
864 Kč –4 %
679 Kč excl. VAT
821 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 160 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with a steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-160
Suction hose PUR1 152 mm
805 Kč –4 %
632 Kč excl. VAT
765 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 152 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-152
Suction hose PUR1 120 mm
638 Kč –4 %
502 Kč excl. VAT
607 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 120 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with a steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-120
Suction hose PUR1 80 mm
382 Kč –4 %
300 Kč excl. VAT
363 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 80 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with a steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-080
Suction hose PUR1 60 mm
319 Kč –5 %
250 Kč excl. VAT
303 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 60 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with a steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-060
Suction hose PUR1 51 mm
300 Kč –5 %
236 Kč excl. VAT
285 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 51 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-051
Suction hose PUR1 40 mm
284 Kč –4 %
223 Kč excl. VAT
270 Kč / m

Suction hose PUR1 with a diameter of 40 mm made of abrasion-resistant polyurethane foil with a steel wire spiral. Designed for suction and ventilation of air, non-aggressive...

Code: PUR1-040
Ventilation hose PVCL 700 mm
2 228 Kč excl. VAT
2 696 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 700 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-700
Ventilation hose PVCL 600 mm
1 998 Kč excl. VAT
2 417 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 600 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-600
Ventilation hose PVCL 525 mm
1 590 Kč excl. VAT
1 924 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 525 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-525
Ventilation hose PVCL 505 mm
1 407 Kč excl. VAT
1 702 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 505 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-505
Ventilation hose PVCL 456 mm
1 294 Kč excl. VAT
1 566 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 456 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-456
Ventilation hose PVCL 425 mm
1 214 Kč excl. VAT
1 469 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 425 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-425
Ventilation hose PVCL 407 mm
1 175 Kč excl. VAT
1 422 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 407 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-407
Ventilation hose PVCL 356 mm
1 041 Kč excl. VAT
1 260 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 356 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-356
Ventilation hose PVCL 305 mm
830 Kč excl. VAT
1 004 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 305 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-305
Ventilation hose PVCL 254 mm
804 Kč excl. VAT
973 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 254 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-254
Ventilation hose PVCL 225 mm
783 Kč excl. VAT
948 Kč / m

Universal ventilation hose with a diameter of 225 mm made of PVC coated fabric reinforced with steel spiral. Very flexible and compressible hose. Designed for heating of...

Code: PVCL-225
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Page 14 of 24 - 944 items total