Lüdecke, Page 34

Společnost, která myslí na své zákazníky 

Německá firma LÜDECKE GmbH vznikla roku 1930 a od svých začátků se soustředí na výrobu flexibilních spojovacích systémů, jako jsou rychlospojky a šroubení pro nejrůznější nosná média. Ve městě Amberg tak pravidelně vzniká na 30 000 tisíc kvalitních výrobků určených zejména pro nízkotlaké systémy. Produkty značky LÜDECKE tak od svých začátku směle konkurují ostatním německým a světovým gigantům, kteří působí ve stejném oboru. Dnes se tyto spojky distribuují po celém světě a svou spolehlivost si zákazníci ověřili ve více než 120 zemích. LÜDECKE celkově dbá na zpětnou vazbu od svých zákazníků a snaží se s nimi být v co nejužším kontaktu, aby mohl sbírat nové podněty pro další inovaci konstrukcí a postupů, které se aplikují na těch nejmodernějších strojích.




Zelené myšlení netratí na kvalitě

Jako osvědčený mezinárodní důkaz, který orientovanému zákazníkovi napoví o kvalitě výrobku, slouží nejrůznější certifikační systémy. Samozřejmě i výrobky firmy LÜDECKE se mohou pochlubit certifikací podle ISO 9001-2008, ale to není vše, prioritně se totiž společnost snaží šetřit životní prostředí a čerpá z ekologicky udržitelných prostředků, díky čemuž roku 2015 získala certifikát o šetrnosti k životnímu prostředí ISO 14001-2004, k němuž se záhy připojilo další osvědčení, které bylo tentokrát z oblasti energetiky - ISO 50001-2011. Tři jakostní systémy  tak konečnému uživateli zaručují jak poctivou kvalitu vyrobenou na bezchybných strojích, tak i jistotu svědomitosti, s jakou byl produkt vyroben. 

Kompletní nabídku produktů LÜDECKE, které Vám nabízí Kompresory vzduchotechnika, naleznete níže

1572 items total
254802 rychlospojka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 4
1 212 Kč –5 %
951 Kč excl. VAT
1 151 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with female thread G1/4". Single-sided quick-closing coupling for maximum safety. Closure is achieved by two rows of balls. Designed for safe disconnection of...

Code: ESIS14I
254799 rychlospojka s vnejsim zavitem r1 2
1 227 Kč –5 %
963 Kč excl. VAT
1 165 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with male thread R1/2". Single-sided quick-closing coupling for maximum safety. Closure is achieved by two rows of balls. Designed for safe disconnection of...

Code: ESIS12A
254796 rychlospojka s vnejsim zavitem r3 8
1 184 Kč –4 %
930 Kč excl. VAT
1 125 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with male thread R3/8". Single-sided quick-closing coupling for maximum safety. Closure is achieved by two rows of balls. Designed for safe disconnection of...

Code: ESIS38A
254793 rychlospojka s vnejsim zavitem r1 4
1 184 Kč –4 %
930 Kč excl. VAT
1 125 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with male thread R1/4". Single-sided quick-closing coupling for maximum safety. Closure is achieved by two rows of balls. Designed for safe disconnection of...

Code: ESIS14A
254790 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 13 mm
160 Kč –5 %
126 Kč excl. VAT
152 Kč / pcs

Nipple with hose barb 13 mm. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI13SS
254787 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 10 mm
137 Kč –5 %
107 Kč excl. VAT
130 Kč / pcs

Nipple with 10 mm hose barb. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI10SS
254784 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 9 mm
130 Kč –4 %
102 Kč excl. VAT
124 Kč / pcs

Nipple with 9mm hose barb. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using pneumatic...

Code: ESI9SS
254781 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 8 mm
105 Kč –4 %
83 Kč excl. VAT
100 Kč / pcs

Nipple with hose barb 8 mm. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using pneumatic...

Code: ESI8SS
254775 vsuvka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 2
157 Kč –5 %
123 Kč excl. VAT
149 Kč / pcs

Nipple with female thread G1/2". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI12NIS
254766 vsuvka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 8
113 Kč –4 %
89 Kč excl. VAT
108 Kč / pcs

Nipple with female thread G1/8". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI18NIS
254763 vsuvka s vnejsim zavitem g1 2
149 Kč –4 %
117 Kč excl. VAT
142 Kč / pcs

Nipple with external thread G1/2". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI12NAS
254754 vsuvka s vnejsim zavitem g1 8
113 Kč –4 %
89 Kč excl. VAT
108 Kč / pcs

Nipple with external thread G1/8". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI18NAS
254751 rychlospojka s trnem na hadici 13 mm
724 Kč –4 %
569 Kč excl. VAT
688 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose shank 13 mm. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI13T
254748 rychlospojka s trnem na hadici 10 mm
709 Kč –4 %
557 Kč excl. VAT
674 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with 10 mm hose barb. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI10T
254745 rychlospojka s trnem na hadici 9 mm
709 Kč –4 %
557 Kč excl. VAT
674 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose shank 9mm. High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially when using...

Code: ESI9T
254736 rychlospojka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 2
724 Kč –4 %
569 Kč excl. VAT
688 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with internal pipe thread G1/2". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially...

Code: ESI12I
254733 rychlospojka s vnitrnim zavitem g3 8
701 Kč –4 %
550 Kč excl. VAT
666 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with internal pipe thread G3/8". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially...

Code: ESI38I
254730 rychlospojka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 4
701 Kč –4 %
550 Kč excl. VAT
666 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with internal pipe thread G1/4". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts, especially...

Code: ESI14I
Quick coupling with external thread R1/2"
701 Kč –4 %
550 Kč excl. VAT
666 Kč / pcs

Quick couplings with external tapered thread R1/2". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts,...

Code: ESI12A
Quick coupling with external thread R3/8"
672 Kč –4 %
528 Kč excl. VAT
639 Kč / pcs

Quick couplings with external tapered thread R3/8". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts,...

Code: ESI38A
Quick coupling with external thread R1/4"
672 Kč –4 %
528 Kč excl. VAT
639 Kč / pcs

Quick couplings with external tapered thread R1/4". High quality and robust quick couplings with high media flow. Designed primarily for compressed air industry, crafts,...

Code: ESI14A
254718 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 13 mm
1 685 Kč –5 %
1 322 Kč excl. VAT
1 600 Kč / pcs

Nipple with hose barb 13 mm. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

Code: ESE13SAB
254715 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 10 mm
1 606 Kč –5 %
1 260 Kč excl. VAT
1 525 Kč / pcs

Nipple with 10 mm hose barb. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

Code: ESE10SAB
254712 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 9 mm
1 606 Kč –5 %
1 260 Kč excl. VAT
1 525 Kč / pcs

Nipple with 9mm hose barb. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

254709 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 8 mm
1 606 Kč –5 %
1 260 Kč excl. VAT
1 525 Kč / pcs

Nipple with hose barb 8 mm. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

254706 vsuvka s trnem na hadici 6 mm
1 606 Kč –5 %
1 260 Kč excl. VAT
1 525 Kč / pcs

Nipple with hose barb 6 mm. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

254703 vsuvka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 2
1 658 Kč –5 %
1 302 Kč excl. VAT
1 575 Kč / pcs

Nipple with female thread G1/2". Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

254700 vsuvka s vnitrnim zavitem g3 8
1 554 Kč –4 %
1 221 Kč excl. VAT
1 477 Kč / pcs

Nipple with female thread G3/8". Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

254697 vsuvka s vnitrnim zavitem g1 4
1 554 Kč –4 %
1 221 Kč excl. VAT
1 477 Kč / pcs

Nipple with female thread G1/4". Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands on...

254694 vsuvka s vnejsim zavitem g1 2
1 581 Kč –5 %
1 241 Kč excl. VAT
1 502 Kč / pcs

Nipple with external thread G1/2". Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands...

254691 vsuvka s vnejsim zavitem g3 8
1 475 Kč –5 %
1 158 Kč excl. VAT
1 401 Kč / pcs

Nipple with external thread G3/8". Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands...

254688 vsuvka s vnejsim zavitem g1 4
1 475 Kč –5 %
1 158 Kč excl. VAT
1 401 Kč / pcs

Nipple with external thread G1/4". Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with high demands...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose grooved 13 mm
2 802 Kč –5 %
2 200 Kč excl. VAT
2 662 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose barb, 13 mm grooved. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose grooved 10 mm
2 690 Kč –5 %
2 112 Kč excl. VAT
2 555 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose barb, 10 mm grooved. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose grooved 9 mm
2 690 Kč –5 %
2 112 Kč excl. VAT
2 555 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose barb, 9 mm grooved. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose grooved 8 mm
2 690 Kč –5 %
2 112 Kč excl. VAT
2 555 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose barb, 8 mm grooved. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose grooved 6 mm
2 690 Kč –5 %
2 112 Kč excl. VAT
2 555 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose barb, 6 mm grooved. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose smooth 13 mm
2 802 Kč –5 %
2 200 Kč excl. VAT
2 662 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose shank, smooth 13 mm. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose smooth 10 mm
2 690 Kč –5 %
2 112 Kč excl. VAT
2 555 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose shank, smooth 10 mm. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

Quick coupling with mandrel for hose smooth 9 mm
2 690 Kč –5 %
2 112 Kč excl. VAT
2 555 Kč / pcs

Quick coupling with hose shank, smooth 9 mm. Reversible design with integrated valve. Designed primarily for compressed air, but also for other gaseous and liquid media with...

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Page 34 of 40 - 1572 items total