Ležaté tlakové nádoby bez podstavců
V naší nabídce najdete i ležaté tlakové nádoby bez podstavce či navařených nožiček. Takové řešení se hodí pro případy, kdy plánujete vzdušník zasadit speciálně, na míru vašemu požadavku, nebo máte již podstavec po dosluhující nádobě.
Vzdušníky bez podstavce mají všechna běžná specifika - jsou osazeny návarky pro armatury, jsou ošetřeny povrchovou úpravou a vyhovují směrnicím.
Výběr pro vás děláme snazší díky článku o tlakových nádobách zde, v naší poradně. Každý vzdušník musí procházet revizemi, kterými se v článku taktéž zabýváme, aby pro vás byl provoz bez starostí.
Pressure vessels up to 50 l; up to 16 bar according to SPVD directive
Pressure vessels 100-720 l; up to 16 bar according to SPVD directive
Pressure vessels up to 3000 l; up to 16 bar according to PED
Pressure vessels equipped; fitted with TÜV certification
Fittings sets; accessories for vessels
Pressure vessels; low temperature and liquid 1
Tlakové nádoby 100-720 l; až 16 bar dle směrnice SPVD

Pressure vessel without supports with a volume of 50 litres in a recumbent design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum...

Pressure vessel without supports with a volume of 24 l in a horizontal design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating...

Pressure vessel without supports with a volume of 10 litres in a recumbent design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum...

Pressure vessel without supports with a volume of 15 l in a horizontal design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating...

Pressure vessel without base with a volume of 5 litres in a recumbent design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating...

Pressure vessel with a volume of 5 l in a flat design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating pressure is 11 bar. The...

Pressure vessel with a volume of 15 l in a flat design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating pressure is 11 bar. The...

Pressure vessel with a volume of 24 l in a flat design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating pressure is 11 bar. The...

Pressure vessel with a volume of 5 l in a flat design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating pressure is 11 bar. The...

Pressure vessel with a volume of 50 l in a horizontal design. The aerator is designed for compressed air medium and is made without feet. The maximum operating pressure is 11...