Ball valves 02TTT with pneumatic actuator

  • pekoss 02TTT flanged ball valve system and OMAL type DA and SR pneumatic actuator
  • pTFE seals for temperatures up to 200 °C
  • actuator operating pressure of at least 5.5 bar
  • for sealing of pipelines of non-aggressive media

Ball valves 02TTT with double acting pneumatic actuator DA

Order no. Luminosity
Body Seals Drive
double acting
Kulové kohouty 02TTT s dvojčinným pneupohonem DA
02TTT-16-015DA 15 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA15
02TTT-16-020DA 20 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA30
02TTT-16-025DA 35 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA30
02TTT-16-032DA 32 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA45
02TTT-16-040DA 40 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA60
02TTT-16-050DA 50 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA90
02TTT-16-065DA 65 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA120
02TTT-16-080DA 80 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA180
02TTT-16-100DA 100 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA240
02TTT-16-125DA 125 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA480
02TTT-16-150DA 150 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA720
02TTT-16-200DA 200 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE DA960

Ball valves 02TTT with single-acting pneumatic actuator SR

Order no. Luminosity
Body Seals Drive
Kulové kohouty 02TTT s jednočinným pneupohonem SR
02TTT-16-015SR 15 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR15
02TTT-16-020SR 20 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR30
02TTT-16-025SR 25 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR30
02TTT-16-032SR 32 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR45
02TTT-16-040SR 40 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR60
02TTT-16-050SR 50 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR90
02TTT-16-065SR 65 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR120
02TTT-16-080SR 80 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR180
02TTT-16-100SR 100 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR240
02TTT-16-125SR 125 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR480
02TTT-16-150SR 150 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR720
02TTT-16-200SR 200 16 up to +200°C gray cast iron GG25 PTFE SR960


Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN200
182 898 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN200
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-200SR
Was: 182 898 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN150
120 956 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN150
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-150SR
Was: 120 956 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN125
91 266 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN125
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-125SR
Was: 91 266 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN100
45 252 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN100
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-100SR
Was: 45 252 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN80
39 352 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN80
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-080SR
Was: 39 352 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN65
31 344 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN65
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-065SR
Was: 31 344 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN50
26 162 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN50
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-050SR
Was: 26 162 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN40
21 448 Kč –100 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN40
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-040SR
Was: 21 448 Kč  (–100 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN32
19 120 Kč –99 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN32
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-032SR
Was: 19 120 Kč  (–99 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN25
16 631 Kč –99 %
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN25
up to 14 days
Code: 02TTT-16-025SR
Was: 16 631 Kč  (–99 %)
1 Kč
(1 Kč excl. VAT)
24 items total
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN65
31 344 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN65 clearance. Single-acting version with SR120 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-065SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN80
39 352 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN80 clearance. Single-acting version with SR180 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-080SR
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN150
89 963 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN150. Double-acting version with DA720 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-150DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN20
14 084 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN20. Double-acting version with DA30 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-020DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN200
137 997 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN200 clearance. Double-acting version with DA960 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-200DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN25
14 289 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN25 clearance. Double-acting version with DA30 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-025DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN40
18 022 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN40 clearance. Double-acting version with DA60 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-040DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN50
21 155 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN50. Double-acting version with DA90 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-050DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN65
23 922 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN65 clearance. Double-acting version with DA120 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-065DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN80
30 598 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN80 clearance. Double-acting version with DA180 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-080DA
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN100
45 252 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN100 clearance. Single-acting version with SR240 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-100SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN15
14 479 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN15. Single-acting version with SR15 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-015SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN150
120 956 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN150. Single-acting version with SR720 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-150SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN20
16 426 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN20. Single-acting version with SR30 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-020SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN200
182 898 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN200 clearance. Single-acting version with SR960 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-200SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN25
16 631 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN25 clearance. Single-acting version with SR30 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-025SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN32
19 120 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN32. Single-acting version with SR45 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-032SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN40
21 448 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN40 clearance. Single-acting version with SR60 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-040SR
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN50
26 162 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN50. Single-acting version with SR90 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-050SR
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN32
15 226 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN32. Double-acting version with DA45 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-032DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN125
69 643 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN125. Double-acting version with DA480 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-125DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN15
12 795 Kč –99 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN15. Double-acting version with DA15 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-015DA
Ball valve 02TTT with double-acting drive - DN100
36 951 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with DN100 clearance. Double-acting version with DA240 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-100DA
Ball valve 02TTT with single-acting drive - DN125
91 266 Kč –100 %
1 Kč excl. VAT
1 Kč / pcs

Flanged ball valves 02TTT with clearance DN125. Single-acting version with SR480 drive made of grey cast iron. Designed for pressures of 16 bar and temperatures up to 200°C....

Code: 02TTT-16-125SR